Thursday 22 November 2012

Billie Jeans

So I recently realised that I have gone through about three years without owning a proper pair of jeans. Since my last pair ripped due to old age, I basically developed an obsession with dresses and floral print and stockings and wore nothing else but any clothing item that fell under these three categories for a whole year, and then switched to athletic tops, daggy jumpers and rugged denim shorts for the years after that. But after a while you realise that your wardrobe may be filled with pieces that are not very versatile. Case 1: A particular top that only goes with those dreaded leggings that you have had since you were fifteen. To generalise, you start to have more and more pieces that do not match most of your other clothing items (they just don't go with anything and you spend loads of time in the mornings trying to figure out what to wear). Case 2: your stocking start to have holes in them, and no matter how many pairs you purchase from Target, enough just isn't enough. Case 3: You start seriously considering making a run down to the Good Sammy's bin near your house and emptying the entire contents of your wardrobe. Little did I realise that if I had a good, COMFORTABLE, versatile pair of jeans, I would not have had any of the problems outlined in all the cases I mentioned above. But, let's face facts, when it comes to shopping for a pair of jeans, you will be amazed at how hard it is to find that perfect pair.

I for one, am a size 12. My bone structure it fairly flat, but annoyingly wide. I recently bought a pair of gorgeous denim jeans from One pair was black and high waisted, and the other, floral. So i put them on, and even though they are both size 12, they just did not feel comfortable at all. The high waisted pair was too tight at the waist and pushing against my rib cage. The Floral pair was too loose at the knees and too tight around the hips. I felt so annoyed because they didn't come cheap. So I decided that if I was going to get this right once and for all, I had to delve into some research.

In doing so, I decided to take a close look at the world's leading brands when it comes to denim: Wrangler's and Levis, and here is what I discovered: pop over to the Levi's website on your browser and click on the fit guide.

Then just kick back and answer the questions (honestly, of course) ....

As soon as you find out what shape suits your body, shopping is made seven trillion times easier, and you will actually fit comfortably into whatever it is your purchase at Levi's.

So be happy :) And listen to your mother :)
Good luck xxxx

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